Instant Messaging Apps You Need For Mongering in Southeast Asia
One important thing to remember about prostitution is it is always available no matter what. There are certain tools you need to use in various countries in Southeast Asia. A combination of dating apps and instant messaging apps like LINE, Viber, WeChat, Skype, and Whatsapp. Certain countries use certain apps more so the information here will be a great guide.
Instant messaging apps are important to use in Asia because regular text messaging can be expensive for the local girls or they do not wish to give out their real numbers. So the use of instant messaging apps is common. Avoid using Facebook or Instagram with your real information as this can open up a can of worms and cause you problems later. I’ll talk more about that in “Things You Should Never Do While Mongering In Asia”.
It is important to try not installing all these instant messaging apps on your device, even if it is powerful because they will slow down other features as they embed themselves into your smartphone rather heavily so if you only use say WeChat for one or two places, uninstall it when you won’t be returning if you do not wish to stay in contact with any girls you might meet.
If you like to stay in contact with the girls make sure you centralize all those contacts into one app like Viber or Whatsapp. You can also install PC or MAC versions of this to use on your computer for those who are tech-savvy. I personally find that a better option as you can get into some awkward situations having young girls from Asia messaging you on your phone back in your home country. Just saying
That covers the ways to communicate back and forth with prostitutes you want to meet in Asia, now let’s talk about the dating apps that are most effective for finding prostitutes in Asia.
Click on the link below for an article on dating apps in Asia to get laid and find prostitutes. I will also explain the best ways to give you the most options. The more options, the better chance you have of finding more beautiful girls.
Click the link below for dating apps to use for finding prostitutes or hookups in Asia:
Dating Apps or Websites To Use Mongering In Asia
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